Thank you for visiting All Saints Church, Southport. Here is some information about our church, services and events that we thought you might find useful.
Below are events happening in December and early January:
Sunday 1st December 10:00 am Advent Service of Light
Wednesday 4th December 9:30 am Holy Communion in the Lounge
Thursday 5th December 2:30pm The first in our series of Bible Studies “Looking & Longing “ : rekindling the spirit of Advent
Friday 6th December 10:00 -11.30 am Coffee & Cake [Jumper Day! ] (in the Lounge)
Sunday 8th December 10:00 am Morning Worship
12 for 12.30 Christmas Lunch at The Old Links (for those who have booked)
6:30 pm – ‘A Great and Mighty Wonder’. An Evening Service anticipating the birth of Jesus. Carols and readings followed by refreshments
Wednesday 11th December 9:30 am Holy Communion in the Lounge
Thursday 12th December 2:30pm The second in our series of Bible Studies “Looking & Longing “ : rekindling the spirit of Advent
Sunday 15th December10:00 am Holy Communion (Canon Rod Garner)
Wednesday 18th December 9:30 am Holy Communion in the Lounge
Thursday 19th December 2:30pm The third in our series of Bible Studies “Looking & Longing “ : rekindling the spirit of Advent
Sunday 22nd December 10:00 am Words & Music for Christmas with Communion
Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve 4.30pm Crib Service for all the Family
Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day 10:00am Holy Communion with Carols
Sunday 29th December 10:00am in the Hall – Agape Communion with Carols
Friday 3rd January 10:00 -11.30 am Coffee & Cake in the Lounge
Sunday 5th January 10:00 am Epiphany Carol Service
About All Saints Church Southport
All Saints Church Southport is a small – but growing – and friendly congregation. We maintain contact with the many elderly in our parish with a team of authorized members giving Communions in several Rest-homes and Nursing Homes, also visiting housebound congregational members.
All Saints is aware of the world-wide church at home and abroad, supporting organizations including the Southport Food Bank, the Scargill Movement, Christian Aid, CMS, Macmillan and Kanzi-Kibera Friends in Nairobi. At Christmas, we also support the Shewsy youth club at St Peter’s, Everton.
To contact our Wardens please ring June Foulds on 01704 222994 (mob: 07425 159548) or Lesley Mackintosh on 01704 568865 to enquire about hiring the parish hall please email us or ring 01704 530178
Services and Events
Parish Communion Common Worship HC with hymns and sermon.
Meets every first and third Sunday at 10:00 am for approximately 1 hour
Morning Worship
Common worship Service of the Word with hymns and sermon.
Meets every second fourth and fifth Sunday at 10:00 am for approximately 1 hour
Holy Communion
Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
Meets every Wednesday at 9:30 am
1st Friday in the month Coffee morning (in the Hall) 10:00 am – 12 noon.
You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at
If you have any safeguarding concerns, or issues on a safeguarding matter, then you can find useful contact information at (Please see safeguarding page on the main menu for further details.)