Below are services in the next few weeks:
Wednesday 12th March 9:30 Holy Communion (in the Lounge)
Sunday 16th March 10:00am Holy Communion (Canon Roger Wikeley)
Wednesday 19th March 9:30 Holy Communion (in the Lounge)
Sunday 23rd March 10:00am Morning Worship 6:30pm Celtic Evening Prayer
Advance Notice: 30th March 10:00am Morning Service for Mothering Sunday – hymns, readings, short talk and flowers to celebrate the gift of family life and mothers. All welcome. Refreshments after the service
Below are details of our Sunday and Wednesday services.
Sunday 10:00 am Morning Worship or Holy Communion
Holy Communion takes place usually on the first and third Sundays of each month, and Morning Worship on the second and fourth Sundays.)In both of these services, there is a mixture of the formal and informal, using traditional and modern elements. We seek to make worship welcoming, meaningful and accessible to all who come. Typically, our Morning Worship service lasts for just under an hour, with Holy Communion lasting a little longer.)
Wednesday 9:30 am Traditional Holy Communion using the order of service taken from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, this is a quiet and reflective service with no hymns and a short sermon.
If you have any queries about these or any other services, please contact our Readers, John Lloyd on 01704 533530 or Steve Hosker on 01704 211625
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